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Tribus Research Privacy Policy

In this privacy policy, we explain how SIA "Tribus Research" collects, stores and uses the personal data provided by survey participants, participating in our research surveys, discussions and interviews.

"Personal data" mentioned in the privacy policy means any information that can be used to identify a specific person.


About us
SIA "Tribus Research", Reg. No. 40203338595 is a market and public opinion research company in Latvia, which conducts research both in Latvia and elsewhere in the world. For research, we use online surveys, telephone interviews, in-depth interviews, face-to-face interviews, focus group discussions, etc. research methods.


Laws and regulations regulating the activity

The activity of SIA "Tribus Research" is affected by the willingness and consent of Latvian citizens to participate in surveys, therefore it is important for us to comply with all laws and regulations regarding the conduct of surveys and the processing of personal data in order to ensure the confidentiality of survey participants and the protection of personal data.


All information you provide will be securely stored in accordance with the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation.


SIA "Tribus Research" complies with ICC/ESOMAR ( standards when conducting surveys.


Personal data and sensitive information

SIA "Tribus Research" registers the personal data of the survey participant (name, surname, e-mail, phone number, gender, age, nationality, education, citizenship, occupation, amount of income), based on the person's consent. Depending on the survey conducted, the required data may vary. This personal data is used only for research purposes, as well as for communication with survey participants and is not disclosed to third parties, nor is it publicly available.


The data obtained in the surveys are analyzed in an aggregated way and not at the level of the individual survey participant.


By giving SIA "Tribus Research" his e-mail address and other demographic information (gender, age, nationality, education, occupation, etc.), the survey participant agrees to participate in surveys and/or discussions and that the answers and information provided by the survey participant will be saved and used for market research purposes and analysis, as well as to fulfill the obligations of SIA "Tribus Research" towards the survey participant.


The legal basis for data processing is the consent of the survey participant, which he has given by agreeing to participate in surveys on the Internet (during a telephone interview or face-to-face interview, or by registering on social networks).


Privacy and data security.

The confidentiality of SIA "Tribus Research" is very important, so we use appropriate technological and organizational measures to protect the personal data provided by survey participants. Our security procedures comply with applicable laws and regulations governing the protection of personal data.

All our employees adhere to the confidentiality, security and personal data protection policy.

SIA "Tribus Research" responds to all objections of the survey participant regarding the conduct of the survey and takes all actions to eliminate the objections of the survey participant.

If SIA "Tribus Research" does not respond to the survey participant's objections or complaints related to the processing of the survey participant's personal data, then the survey participant has the right to file a complaint about the processing of the survey participant's personal data with the supervisory authority Data State Inspectorate, contact information: Rīga, Blaumaņa iela 11 /13-15, phone: 67223131, E-mail:


Transfer of data to third parties

The personal data of the survey participants is confidential information and it is not transferred to third parties without the consent of the survey participant or other legal basis. In cases where we need to send out gift cards, we use the services of "Latvijas Pasts" or send them to the e-mail address specified by the survey participants.

Survey orderers receive aggregated, anonymized data without the possibility of identifying a specific survey participant.


Online or face-to-face discussions

Applications for online or face-to-face discussions are provided for in certain projects.
Discussions are for research purposes only and are not publicly available.
The information will be used only for the purposes of the research project, without disclosing your identity. If an audio/video recording of the discussion is planned, the participant is notified and the discussion can only continue with the participant's consent. The discussion or its audio recording is not publicly available. We transfer the audio recording to the customer of the study, but not to other third parties.


Data storage period

We store survey data in an anonymized form, i.e. the information provided in the survey is not linked to a specific survey participant.

We store the personal data of the survey participants for as long as the research participant is willing to participate in the surveys conducted by SIA "Tribus Research". If we have received a participant's refusal to participate in future surveys, this participant is deleted from the database.

Survey participants who have not participated in any survey sent to them for 1 year are deleted from the database of active survey participants.


SIA Tribus Research rights of survey participants

A survey participant may opt out of further participation in Tribus Research surveys at any time. In this case, the survey participant must send an electronic letter of refusal to the e-mail address


According to the current laws and regulations governing the protection of personal data, the survey participant has the right to be informed about the processing of his personal data. In order to obtain information about the personal data of the survey participant held by SIA "Tribus Research", to confirm, correct or delete them, you must submit a written request to the e-mail or postal address. We will respond to the survey participant's requests as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 days.

Survey participants have the following rights regarding their personal data:
• Refuse to participate in surveys and withdraw consent
• Access your personal data
• Correct data
• Limit or refuse data processing
• Object to the processing of personal data
• The right to data deletion or "to be forgotten"
• Right to data portability


Tribus Research SIA contact information
If you have any questions about the privacy policy of SIA "Tribus research", please contact us:

SIA "Tribus Research"
+371 26633506

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